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Two Most Popular Fantastic Genres


Fantasy is not only the invasion of aliens and the conquest of Mars, but also a journey through time, wizards, and anti-utopias. Check a short guide to fantastic genres and authors before choosing a book to read. Los mejores libros de fantasia is the place where you can find an interesting book in the genre of fantasy as well as many other genres.

Space Fiction

Huge ships, which, as you know, plow open spaces, double stars, are filled with space maps into tablets. Cosmic fiction seems to be the invention of the new time, but its roots can be found even in the Ramayana, even among the ancient Greeks. But the most interesting thing, of course, began when the cosmos from the unattainable and mysterious became attainable, but still mysterious.

Ray Bradbury "The Martian Chronicles"

In 1950, the young writer Ray Bradbury could not publish his collection: the stories did not interest anyone. On the advice of a familiar editor, he collected from them an epic about the conquest of Mars. Later, there was "Wine from Dandelions" and "Fahrenheit", but for me "The Chronicles" remain Bradbury's best book, in which the epic is combined with touching personal stories, and poetry with humor. To some extent, "The Chronicles" - the whole future Bradbury in a concentrated form. The Escher II chapter, for example, explores the same topics as Fahrenheit, only more sarcastically.

Andy Weier "The Martian"

Half a century has passed, and people never got to Mars. But he did not let the writers go, and Andy Weier made the red planet with the decorations of his robinsonade, where a single astronaut survives millions of kilometers from Earth on a single sense of humor and electrical tape. Everyone probably saw the adaptation of Ridley Scott, and so the original source is ten times better, more fervent, and more fun. There are no aliens, political intrigues, and blasters - but nowhere else has the cultivation of potatoes been so exciting.


If at the end of the last century, everyone was crazy about fantasy, then in the new fantasy it took an impressive revenge. "Harry Potter" appeared, the Lord of the Rings was screened, and then George R. R. Martin came and took possession of the serial industry. But if Tolkien and Rowling are read twice, and the "Game of Thrones" is stiff for teenagers, there are many more great options.

Ursula Le Guin "The Wizard of Earthsea"

For some reason, the cycle of novels of American living legend Ursula Le Guin is often confused with the Tolkien saga, probably due to the consonance of the Earth and Middle Earth. In fact, the "Wizard" is more likely related to "Harry Potter": this is also the story of the learning and formation of the young magician. From the other fantasy sagas "The Wizard of Earthsea" is notable for its slowness, quietness, some kind of naive poetic simplicity. For this, it is worth reading it to both children and adults. Learn more about other fantasy genres and the differences they have here.